søndag 12. april 2009

Welcome to my Sunday Blog!!

Good Evening everbody! 

Or.. good morning or afternoon depending on where you are in the world and to what time you´re reading it. But it´s Sunday evening here in Norway where I´m sitting. The idea of having a blog came to me many years ago. So far I´ve only had project blogs from tours for instance. But having a regular general blog is something that I´ve wanted for a long time. Now is the time, and I´ve decided to update it every Sunday. That MUST be possible to do.. I´ve never been a fan of structure and system really, but even I must be able to update this blog every Sunday. 

I´ve decided to write the blog in English.. you know.. to make it as international as possible. If you don´t read English, you better learn it. Otherwise you won´t get anything out of this blog. I´m not so sure if you´ll get anything out of it anyway - but we´ll see how it goes. I don´t know what the blog will be about. It depends on the content of my brain in the time of writing it. For those of you who know me, or at least think you know me, you´re aware of the fact that my brain is filled with some pretty strange stuff sometimes. So it could be interesting! 

Hmm so.. do I really have that big of an ego..? To actually think that my writings will be interesting for people to read? I don´t know.. Maybe that´s not even the purpose of this blog. For me this will probably be like a vent, or a meditation. Hopefully it will be like a floating river, like automatic writing. It will be an act of writing whatever comes down from my system and pushing the "publish" button. So there won´t be any pattern to these blogs I guess. But I will write whatever comes to mind. If I´ve experienced something, I can write about that. If I have some new ideas or thoughts, I´ll write about that. So it will be like a diary for me. And maybe you can actually get something out if it sometimes! Or maybe it will entertain you? Maybe I will provoke your thoughts? Compared to the majority of things that come out of the junkbox - also called TV, maybe this is a fairly good alternative? Ok.. there ARE some good stuff on TV. But very little... 

I´ve learned a new english word by the way - Auspicious. It´s a very nice word infact. It means something like favorable, marked by success, prosperous etc. I could mention that I came across the word when I studied a book I just bought. Not just a book, but also a discourse and a meditation workshop. The book is called Living Enlightenment by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He´s a spiritual master from India and has a world-wide foundation based on spiritual practice rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition in India. The word was used as an explanation of the name Shiva. Shiva was an enlightened master from the past. The word Shiva means "causeless auspiciousness." I´ll just leave that in the air for now. Now you have something to think about! I hope this blog gets many followers, so feel free to spread the link to your friends! Until next Sunday - buhbye! 

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