søndag 26. april 2009

Spring is here!

Hello again everybody. We´ve had a beautiful weekend in Trondheim with nice temperatures and shining sun. A touch of summer. We had around 60 degrees F. I guess you people from Palm Springs and Phoenix are laughing at us now. That´s a cold winter day for you guys.. Hehe. I´m thinking about spending a few days in Palm Springs in late August this year, before my tour. Just to get things in perspective temperature wise. Hopefully I´ll survive. 

There´s really nothing much to tell about my doings this week. I have been practicing Scriabin and Grieg, and feel that I have good control of it. Parts of the Scriabin concerto is almost ridiculously complex. Thank god he didn´t write the concerto a few years later, when he really started to go crazy... The reason why it´s almost ridiculous at times, is that the some of the difficulties can´t really be heard by the audience! So no-one will notice anyway. Haha. I´ve been listening to recordings by great artists, and most of them know the noble art of cheating. 

Besides this I have practiced my meditation, done my exercises to loosen up my muscles to allow the energy to flow, better my posture and making it easier to sit for hours at the piano. I´m also actually working out now.. can you believe it.. This actually creates some interesting dilemmas. Because.. (here we go with the deeper stuff again) When you´re developing yourself, it´s kind of like climbing steps. And when you enter a new step or level, naturally you have to leave another one. And then you also leave some habits, routines, bad things.. Because what you´re actually doing is increasing your awareness and rising in consciousness. And this is great. But the thing is that it´s not always that easy to do that. Because you´re actually changing reality for yourself. You start identifying with different things. And then you have to let go of other things! Because you have to let go of something old to allow something new to happen. It´s a wonderful truth. I´ve been very conscious about this truth at times, and it has helped me a lot on my path. This requires a bit of courage, because by letting go of something, we almost feel that we loose a part of our identity! This includes negative things too! Actually, I think that people that have been depressed for a long time, identify themselves with being depressed. They are almost afraid of not being depressed, because this has become part of their identity.

I think the core reason is that we resist change. We want things to be stable and solid. But nothing in this world, related to life on planet earth, in the phenomenal plane of Existence, in the matter, or in Reality as most people like to call it, is stable and solid. Everything is constantly changing. It´s the very nature. The structure of atoms is different from one millisecond to another. We try to grab on to the NOW. But it´s a battle that can´t be won. It will only lead to frustration, depression and war. This happens in the individuals whether we like it or not, and the collective part of it is what we call Society. Now.. this is someting I could write a lot about, but this blog is already getting quite long. I´m somewhere on my path where I have trouble relating to this society. The society I know is formed by need for power, market power, marketing, attention-need, and everything else related to EGO. Now, here comes the thing: Society is you! And me. Us. Society is the projection of the human mind. Isn´t it so? We´re creating society every day. Society is the sum of the human minds that live in it. So society is just a projection of our thoughts and egos... and maybe a tiny portion of love. But I seriously claim that most people don´t really know what love really is. And this is what people like to call Reality. Then they start attaching and relating and engaging themselves in it and make it serious. Society is NOT reality. It´s just a human construction which isn´t even conscious. And if you see through all this, see the mechanisms, the drama, all "serious" issues that really don´t mean a thing in the whole picture, what should you do? 

I have a lot of things to say about this. But I´ll leave this open for now and continue next Sunday! Have a nice week!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Just discovered this blog containing a lot of inspiring and wonderful thoughts. I'll follow you from now on. Have a nice week you too!
